Outsprite Changelog

Welcome to the Outsprite Changelog! This is where you'll find a chronological record of all the updates, improvements, and bug fixes made to the platform.

To actively get updated on new changes, you can join the Discord community server.

  • Vertical and horizontal target paddings

    Paddings in targets now support vertical and horizontal values

    New Features

    • Changed target paddings to support separate vertical and horizontal values.
  • Trackpad support for view movements

    Trackpad is now supported to move the camera view around in the workspace.

    New Features

    • Added trackpad support for camera view movements.
    • Added camera view movement with ArrowUp, ArrowDown, ArrowLeft, and ArrowRight.
  • macOS Icon Resource File as Target Format

    Targets can now also be exported into the ICNS macOS icon resource file format.

    New Features

  • Windows Icon as Target Format

    You can now export your targets as Windows icons in the ICO format.

    New Features

    • Added ICO Windows icon target format.
    • Added a hexadecimal input to the color picker.
  • Experimental Target Formats

    New output sprite format options are available to generate game assets for Browser Quest and Offlands.

    New Features

    • Added the ability to sort objects with drag and drop.
    • Added fullscreen command, accessible with F11.
    • Added experimental Browser Quest target format.
    • Added experimental Offlands target format.

    Minor Changes

    • Changed menu to show on hover instead of click.
    • Changed export to only consider selected page.
  • Support Center & Sprite Commands Changes

    Launching a new support center with an integrated keyboard shortcut overview, coupled with sprite creation commands improvements.


    • In addition to existing social media channels, Outsprite is now on Twitter under @outspritehq.

    New Features

    • Added sprite creation commands with common sizes: 8x8, 16x16, 32x32, and 64x64.
    • Added an experimental wide view mode that collapses both sidebars. Toggle it with F10.
    • Added single target download option to the context menu.
    • Added a support center for guidance.
    • Added a keyboard shortcut overview accessible under the Help menu for quick reference.

    Major Changes

    • Changed sprite creation shortcut to N.
    • Changed the panning mode into a new hand tool, accessible with either Space or H.
    • Changed the shortcut for the pointer tool to R.
  • Classic Bucket Filling Tool

    Introducing the classic bucket tool as a new addition to the suite of drawing tools.

    New Features

    • Added the bucket filling tool, accessible using G.
  • General Improvements

    A series of quality-of-life improvements have been added to provide better access to existing features.

    New Features

    • Added support for transparent backgrounds in targets.
    • Added undo/redo on moving sprites, targets, and palettes.
    • Added a View and Help menu in the header, incorporating existing commands.
    • Added the ability to delete a page.
    • Added context menus to editor views.
    • Added zoom-in and zoom-out functionality with Ctrl + Plus and Ctrl + Minus.

    Major Changes

    • Changed the export header action to always display both export flows.
    • Changed the location of the snap grid setting to the View menu.
    • Changed the position of the mouse and zooming indicators to the top-right corner of the editing space.
    • Changed the location of the brush settings to the right panel.
  • Local Browser Storage

    Save your workspace to your local machine browser.

    New Features

    • Added the ability to save the workspace locally in the browser.
    • Added toast notifications for undo/redo commands.
    • Added alpha support in the color picker.
    • Added undo/redo history for palette color changes.
    • Added basic commands in the command palette with Ctrl + P.
    • Added the ability to locate and focus on the selected object using Enter.
    • Added the ability to rename a page.

    Minor Changes

    • Removed the Add Page action from the right panel.
  • Undo Changes Made to any Object

    Unwanted changes can now be undone and redone using standard shortcuts.

    New Features

    • Added undo and redo functionality with standard shortcuts.
    • Added ZIP format support for exporting targets.
  • SVG as Target Format

    Export your assets as a vector-based format with an optional background.

    New Features

    • Added SVG as an option alongside png for export target formats.
    • Added support for background color when defining targets.
  • Introducing Brush Settings

    Fine-tune your drawing experience with adjustable brush sizes for both pencil and eraser tools.

    New Features

    • Added palette color section in all modes.
    • Added brush size settings for both pencil and eraser tools.
    • Added brush size control with mouse wheel + Ctrl.
    • Added palette index control with mouse wheel + Alt.
    • Added pencil tool preview.

    Minor Changes

    • Changed object indicators to be hidden outside of the pointer mode.
    • Changed pointer mode to be automatically activated when adding a sprite.
  • Launch of the Discord Community Server

    Brand-new Discord server to engage, share, and collaborate with the community.


    • Discord Community: Created a new Discord community server. This space is dedicated for sharing insights, asking questions, and actively participating in shaping the platform’s future.
  • Extra Target Options

    The visualization of targets has been enhanced to support additional options and minimize ambiguity with sprite properties.

    Major Changes

    • Targets Visualization: Changed the visualization of targets to allow for expanded options and to reduce confusion with other sprite properties. This paves the way for forthcoming enhancements like background color.

    New Features

  • Initial Outsprite Release

    This is the initial release of the platform and includes basic sprite editing and export functionality.

    New Features

    • Added workspace with zooming and panning capabilities
    • Added sprite drawing tools such as pencil and eraser
    • Added palette generation from a sprite
    • Added sprite indexing with a palette