About Outsprite
Welcome to Outsprite, your go-to online platform for all your pixel art related work. The product is designed to simplify and streamline your creative process. It allows you to create, organize, and store your pixel art assets with ease in a single place.
Whether you’re an indie game developer, a digital artist, or just someone who loves pixel art, Outsprite has the tools and features you need to bring your visions to life.
Why Choose Outsprite for Pixel Art?
Outsprite is more than just a pixel art editor; it’s a comprehensive retro asset manager tailored for game development and digital art projects.
Aseprite + Figma: If you’re familiar with tools such as Aseprite, making the switch to Outsprite will be a breeze. The interface is built with the user and game development workflows in mind while taking inspiration from features provided by Figma.
Game Development Focus: Outsprite isn’t just another digital art platform. The product is built with game development in mind, providing specific tools and features geared towards game asset creation and management.
Single Place: Forget about juggling multiple tools and storage solutions. With Outsprite, all your pixel art assets are conveniently organized and accessible right within the platform.
Who Is Outsprite For?
Indie Game Developers: The asset management tools make it easy to organize and locate the assets you need for your game projects.
Digital Artists: If you specialize in pixel art or want to venture into this unique art form, Outsprite provides all the tools you need to create stunning retro drawings.
Pixel Art Enthusiasts: Even if you’re not a professional, Outsprite’s user-friendly interface makes pixel art creation accessible to everyone.
Get Started With Outsprite Today!
While Outsprite is still actively in development, you can try it directly in your browser!
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